Friday, January 13, 2012

Lets break the Rules

Lets break the Rules

When doing something creative there always seems to be someone telling you "no your doing it wrong" or "its suppose to be like this", sometimes i feel like just screaming at them and telling them this is my work and let me do it how i want to do it. Ever felt like that? I guess if we all did it 'right' we would all have the same type of images, we would all have the same style and the same ideas.
Funny story i actually got my first hate mail on Tumblr, of course they went on Anonymous to hide their identity, and their message was basically , i'm a good photographer but my professional skills 'stink' and i need to start learning the basics such as editing for impact, creative metering and composition elements. My answer was literally, if we all did that then how are all the top photographers successful, and the most legendary artists famous, its because they went against the rules and followed their own individual style. Seemed to shut the person up. My whole point is, when being creative, its about experimenting and about discovering what you like to do and how you like to do it, and don't care if one person doesn't like it, because i bet a hundred more people love it and can identify you by that little trade mark you possess throughout your work.

Lets take Art its self, in the old days Art had to look realistic and had to be perfect or it wasn't considered Art, but then the Expressionist movement came in, and surrealism was introduced. They went against what was considered right and now they too are an Art movement and Artists all round the world take influence because the group of people went against what was considered the right way. Because of those Artists who went against the rules, people like us now can create our own style. After all art cant be judged.

I decided to post other photographers work... mainly because i haven't taken any this week due to getting my portfolio sorted and generating ideas for my Final Major Project , however i have about 4 ideas i do want to do sometime in the next 2 weeks, which i will keep you all updated with.

So these 3 images below from a critics view would probably say "Oh none of the photos are clear and are out of focus"

"These 2 photos below have too much contrast on them and the white balance is wrong, their too bright and don't look real "

"This photo is too dull and the colours pink and green are contrasting"

"Their hair is covering their eyes, it shouldn't be like that; and the 1st photo has a shadow of the hair, its just not right"

"This photo is too dark, and the shadow in the background is distracting,and her sunglass's reflection is on her face."
"Lens flare is a nono, just so unprofessional"

You know what i thought about these photos? I thought they were all so unique, so engaging and all those "flaws" actually created the image and made it standout, each photo had the photographers individual style and thats what made them. They experimented and created a whole new outlook on photography. So remember when your doing something, theres a limit to following the rules, but then theres also your style and what you want to do, don't let anyone tell you different, as rules are meant to be broken and thats what will make you stand out!
For those who have Instagram follow me @frozenvanity 

I will be taking some photos this weekend and they will be posted this Friday.
See you all soon, don't forget ... next Friday

Frozen Vanity xox

Contact me for Bookings Twitter | Tumblr | Flickr  | Instagram: @frozenvanity 


  1. i think that you have a unique style in your pictures and i love it! xx

  2. Beautiful pics!
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. I couldn't agree more with what you just said, especially the Anonymous part to hide their identity. The thing is, nothing ever seems to satisfy them. I'm also a rule breaker , just like you are. so to hell with what anyone thinks! as long as we're satisfied with what we're doing then that's all that matters;) great post x
